Jesus’s 23 & Me

Jesus’s 23 & Me

Last year, Tim and I did the whole “23 & Me” thing. It was interesting to see where our ancestors originated and to see if my genetics predicted things like my earlobe type and if I am prone to having a unibrow (and believe me – I am). I was also able to discover several…

Agents of Grace

Grace – such a beautiful word. Have you ever been the giver or the recipient of grace? It is definitely amazing. The extension of grace from God to us is gift. The extension of grace from one human to another is God’s divine influence on our hearts. Without this divine influence, we are grace-less people….

A Word Within a Word Within a Word – Eucharisteo

Ever seen one of those Russian nesting doll sets? You open the first doll and there is another inside and another inside that one. In all,  there might be 5-7 dolls in some sets. “Eucharisteo” is similar. It is a power-packed, three-in-one, kind of word. The “eucharist” – the time when Jesus gave thanks at…

FaceBook Official

Have you seen it…the viral message from “Channel 13” about FaceBook charging $5.99 fee for access? Oh and they will release all of your information to the public unless you copy and paste (not share) the warning on your page. I never know if those things are real, so I usually don’t re-post. I also know…


There – I said it and she deserved it. I hung up the phone feeling totally justified. But then a few minutes later, the wave of nausea came over me. What had I done? What had I said? Would I be able to undo the hot mess I just caused. Can I please just un-send…