Happy Trails?

I had quite a Friday night a few weeks ago. My sweet husband was officiating a football game, my daughter had gone to a football game, and so I decided to knock out my grocery shopping. I have a very specific pattern I follow in WalMart – center aisle with the bargains, dairy aisle, and…

Storm Pit

The April 27th storms in the state of Alabama literally flip-flopped thousands of lives. Close to 300 lives were lost and my jaw just drops every time I see the devastation. The physical debris is slowly being cleared away, but there is a whole lot more emotional debris lying just beneath the faces of the…

Risk Vs. Benefit

My son is a senior in the chemical industrial hygiene program at the University of North Alabama (which kind of makes this former chemistry teacher proud!). He has enlightened me about a concept called “Risk Versus Benefit”. Risk versus Benefit involves weighing the negative risks associated with a particular activity against the potential benefits the activity…