Christ is Greater…an Online Study of Hebrews

Does Your New Year’s Resolution include Bible Study? Have you resolved to “do better” studying the Bible? Go a step further and join us for an online inductive Bible study of the great book of Hebrews! What can you expect? You will learn the basics of inductive Bible study…observation, interpretation, and application. Bible study doesn’t…


EXCITING NEWS… I am delighted to be guest-posting for author and mom-extraordinaire, Kayse Pratt. I am sharing an experience of a lifetime – getting into God’s Word! While you are visiting Kayse’s blog, make sure you sign up for email updates and follow her on Facebook. You won’t want to miss her first e-book, Getting…

Think Simple :)

I admit it – I am a Mac Girl… But I am not an arrogant Mac girl. 🙂 I am now a bona fide Macbook pro lovin’, iPad swipin’, and  iPhone talkin’ junkie! Why? Because they are simple. One works like the other and they all connect to each other in some kind of magical…

Remember Who You Are…

 So they feared the Lord, and made unto themselves of the lowest of them priests of the high places, which sacrificed for them in the houses of the high places. 2 Kings 17:32 Remember who you are…this is what Lysa TerKeurst, author of Unglued, tells her children before they leave home. These few words speak volumes…remember your family values,…

Upon Further Review…Blogging thru the book, GREATER>

UPON FURTHER REVIEW   The ability to review questionable calls on the football field is a real game-changer! The game happens so fast and referees can’t be everywhere at all times, so things are not always what they seem. Coaches can now ask for a review of a questionable call. The crowds cheer a little…