The 7 Seals – Honor Thy Mother

How do you even begin to describe a woman who bore seven children? Tired – yep – that would probably be a good place to start.

VaVoom – Mom posing in her bathing suit!

First her name: Shirley Jean Seals. She is a fiesty 5’3″ diabetic who loves her cappuccinos, her pastries, her smokes, and her dog – Bobbi – with an “i”.  And don’t mess with any of her seven kids.

Shirley Jean can mix a drink (former bartender), drive a pulpwood truck with a stick shift, sew a dress in no time flat, and handle a multitude of kids. Our favorite meals that could feed an army of nine people (plus whatever friends might show up) included tacos, chili, spaghetti, goulash, and potato soup.

This is how we emerged from Shirley Jean – Rick, Mike, Carrie, Kevin, Shelly (me), Doug, and Kelli. We were pretty evenly spaced apart by two years.

I surveyed a few of my siblings to see what their favorite Shirley Jean memory or story is. Here is a little sampling:

  • Kelli remembers Mom checking her out of kindergarten every Monday to go eat
    Mom and me on a road trip. Try not to let the smoking hot halter top obscure the Buick we are sitting on.

    at Pizza Hut. What? I only got to do that once or twice!

  • Carrie recalls a memory while living in what we referred to as the “watermelon stand” house – literally a watermelon stand Dad converted into our house. Every Friday when the paychecks came in, Mom and Carrie would cross the Mississippi River bridge into Burlington, IA and hit the McDonalds and get supper for the family. It was free-for-all Friday and everyone got exactly what they wanted!
  • Many nights before Mom headed off to work, I would make a tissue paper (ok toilet paper) flower for her hair. She would tease up that beautiful black hair and pin it in. I thought it looked great – not sure it made it through the night though!

Life threw some hard twists at this little lady. She was raised with 15 children herself under the authority of a father who was quite harsh. It is not cheap raising seven kids, so she was always a hard working mom, inside and outside the home. Two of her sons have passed on into eternity, easily the most heart-wrenching experience of her life.

But guess what? Shirley Jean is still standing – scarred, hurt, understandably depressed at times – but still standing. “Still standing” is a testament to perseverance. When life has thrown hurt at you, sometimes persevering is about all you can do.

But I am so thankful that in our scarred, hurt, and depressing times, we can still hold onto hope.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13

Mom, I could buy you any number of things for Mother’s Day, but this gift of hope is better than anything wrapped in floral paper. It is better than any corsage or bouquet of flowers. It is better because it comes from the true source of our joy – Jesus.

Thanks for always being the person who thought her kids were the BEST.  There had to be days when you didn’t want to come home – but you always did and I am thankful for that. Thanks for not giving up on the seven little wild Seals kids who made you proud, broke your heart, and wore you out! Love you!

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  1. We’ve always loved your whole family. You didn’t mention that she is a super hair dresser as well. She kept Dale’s hair cut the whole time we were at Beaverton FWB Church. I know she had to have been tired when we’d come rolling in with two more kids to add to mix. Seemed like it was always late when we’d get there, but she was always so gracious and welcoming. Happy Mother’s Day, Shirley. Hope your day is blessed beyond measure. Love you guys! Dale and Linda

    1. Oh goodness – I forgot she used to cut his hair. Yep – she was the local “unlicensed” hair dresser! LOL

  2. I have so many great memories of my aunt Shirley. My favorite is when she’d let me do her hair and full makeup. At seven or eight years old, I don’t think I had much in the way of fashion skills, but she didn’t seem to mind. Happy Mother’s Day, Shirley!! Love you bunches 😘

  3. Happy Mother’s Day to one of my other Mom’s thanks for sparing love for the kids your kids brought home. And thanks for letting us come over. You are super!!! Sending love to The Seals Family. You are all so special to my heart!

  4. Happy birthday, Shirley! If your other children are anything like Shelly, you did an amazing job!

  5. My most favorite memory of Aunt Shirley was when I was about 9 and had my first Barbie doll. I couldn’t afford clothes for her so just made do with the ones she came with. After I went to bed, Aunt Shirley and mom spent the night making beautiful Barbie outfits out of a wedding dress Aunt Shirley brought and other fabrics mom had. When I woke up the next morning, I could not believe my eyes! An entire gorgeous wardrobe for my Barbie! Dresses, jackets, pants, skirts, blouses and tops all spread out on the couch. That was when I first really got to know my beautiful Aunt. I’ve loved and admired her ever since.

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