When Love Came Down

The love of God came down on the day Jesus was born. This beautiful expression of God’s love for each of us was not a last minute decision.
As soon as Satan struck with the incurable wound of sin in the garden, God provided a remedy. God knew His love would be sent down in His son, Jesus.
I’ve had this head knowledge for a long time, but this Christmas, it became much more real in my heart.
Honestly, Bible study had become a bit like studying a text book rather than looking into the Living Word. In January, I earnestly started looking for and creating graphics that could express the correct interpretation of scripture AND it’s beauty.
This search led me into the “Bible journaling” world where scripture is turned into illustrations. Not being very “artsy”, I needed a lot of inspiration and practice. My illustrations are not perfect, but that is not point. The point is to “let the word of Christ richly dwell within you” (Colossians 3:16). If you want some inspiration, check out Blessings By Me, by Mary Esther Elam.
As I clumsily try to illustrate biblical truths, the Word is becoming more real and is making it’s home in my heart, which is what dwell really means. I think that is why the painting, When Love Came Down, from Tricia Robinson, has been so dear to me this Christmas season. I actually won an original painting in a FB contest she had. Isn’t God sweet to give me a little wink to affirm my meager illustrating efforts?
God told us in Deuteronomy 6 (and repeated by Jesus in Matthew 22:37) to love the LORD God with ALL your heart, soul, and mind. By using a combination of inductive study and Bible journaling, I am studying God’s Word with my WHOLE mind. And the bonus is this – it has truly brought my heart and soul back into the beauty of the Bible, not just the facts.
During the Advent season (the four weeks leading up to Christmas), I challenged myself to journal/illustrate each day. This practice has kept me focused on the deep meaning of Christmas and I realized how each and every prophecy of His life has been fulfilled.
Now we are in a second season of Advent as we anticipate the second coming of Christ. This advent will not begin in a lowly manger, but rather in the clouds of glory. Jesus will not be a sweet baby, but will be crowned King of Kings with honor and glory. There will not be any doubt about His true claim to the throne, for every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord of Lords. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
We all so busily prepare for the events of Christmas. We fill our time with baking, buying and wrapping gifts, and decorating. But have you prepared your heart, first of all, by accepting Jesus for who He is and what He has done to save your soul? If so, have you prepared your heart and mind for His next advent?
This video is a compilation of my Advent Bible Journaling. I pray I have strung the images and scriptures together in such a way as to tell the whole story. When Love Came Down all those years ago, it was a game changer for all of us!