Consider Jesus
What dramatic changes would we see in our lives if we CONSIDERED JESUS daily?
You know how you can read a passage over and over and wham…something new lobs you upside the head? That is exactly how Hebrews 3:1 impacted me this weekend. Consider Jesus – sounds simple enough.

The word “consider” in Hebrews 3:1 is not a light weight word. It means: to consider attentively, fix one’s eyes or mind upon. So to consider Jesus is more than just a passing thought. It is to keep Him as our focus.
The writer of Hebrews was telling these newly converted Jewish believers to focus on Jesus. Afterall, their focus had been on Moses for years. And so the comparison of Moses and Jesus ensues in verses 1-6. The writer wasn’t trying to disrespect Moses, but was trying to prove that Jesus is GREATER.

The items on Jesus’s side make it a no-brainer! Of course we should consider Jesus in all that we do. He deserves our consideration – our eyes and minds fixed on Him. Are there other things or people that we esteem higher than Jesus? If so, they will cause us to fix our eyes and minds in places that we ought not.
And imagine the difference if we daily considered Jesus among the whirlwind that is our life. I am not saying we just have to sit and stare off into space and think about Jesus all the live-long day. We can’t live like that. But what if AS we lived our lives, we considered Jesus?
When someone hurts our feelings, we will extend forgiveness instead of bitterness.
When someone angers us, we will screen what is about to come out of our mouths.
We will line up our behaviors with the truth of God’s Word and not with our emotions.
As we consider Jesus daily, it will cause us to make better choices. When we make better choices, we get better results. Anybody out there want better results in their lives? I do…and the best results will always come as we consider Jesus in all we do.
Keep writing the encouraging words.