Hebrews Lesson 2…Merciful & Faithful High Priest
Oh, here come the HALLELUJAH moments in waves!
Chapter 1 was great – it set forth that Jesus has authority over everything. When I asked my Sunday School class at Underwood Baptist what they would title chapter 1, one of my sweet girls replied, “The Kingship of Jesus”. Yes and Amen – His throne is forever and ever (Heb. 1:8).

In chapter 2, I think you will catch a very different aspect of Christ that will melt your heart. I don’t want to tell you exactly what the difference is because I don’t want to steal your joy in discovering it for yourself.
In this chapter:
- Think about verse 1 and the warning it is giving…jot down what the warning is in your notebook. This thought continues through verse 4.
- Pay close attention to the pronouns used in chapter 2: mark the “He/Him” carefully as either Jesus or God. You will have to pay attention to the context.
- There are a lot of “he/him” references in vv. 6-8. They are not capitalized, so to whom in general is the text referring?
- In verse 8, is says, ‘”But now we do not yet see all things subjected to him.” What/Who do you think this is referring to? Think about the original intent of creation and the fall of mankind. You might want to cross-reference this by reading Psalm 8:3-9.
- Verse 9 shifts the pronoun usage. Who is now the topic of vv. 9-18?
- Using Biblecommenter.com or blueletterbible.org, look up the definition of “perfect” in verse 10 and “reconciliation” in verse 17. If you are using something other than NKJV, then “propitiation” may be used in verse 17 rather than reconciliation.
- Some background cross-referencing about the priesthood will make the end of Hebrews 2 much more meaningful to you. Read Exodus 29:1-9 and 42-46. Make a list of what you learn about the priesthood. Aaron and his sons were of the tribe of Levi and were the first priests, with Aaron being the high priest.
- So why was it important that Jesus be made “a little lower than the angels” (v.9)? What does verse 18 tell us about how Jesus as our High Priest helps us?
Do you hear and see the difference in the tone of chapter 1 and chapter 2 concerning Jesus? Somebody tell me about it so I can be blessed by your discovery!
Hebrews 1: was Jesus Christ the King, His glory, His annointing, righteousness, and power. Hebrews 2: did melt my heart, Jesus Christ became MY Redeemer and MY Savior. He paid the price a Holy God demanded for my sin. Thank you Jesus for your perfect sacrifice for me, and ALL who will trust you! Hallelujah!
Jesus Christ, priest and king, God Himself became as us, a man, to help us, to meet our need. Glory!
Whew…you made me cry this morning! Thanks for sharing Jo Lynn!
Chapter one is all about the power and majesty of Christ Jesus. How He sits at the right hand of the Father now and is much higher than the angels. He is heir of all things and if we are children of God, then we are joint heirs with Christ also. Chapter 2 was more humble. This chapter sort of backtracks. It tells of when Jesus was a little lower than angels. He had to be or He couldn’t have died for our sins. He had to become just like us, flesh, to walk upon this earth to be like us, yet still without sin, He experienced what we did in our daily lives. It was by Him becoming like us and then going to the cross that we are able to come to know Jesus and be saved.
Amen I agree with what everyone says above. Jesus becomes so obvious the one who is our personal savior in two, that’s why I say it blows me away to see such grace shown to us. God basically set out of a Kindom of holiness to love on us in a way no one else ever could!
One of my favorite quotes I remember from a Christmas Card when I was a little girl fits chapter 2 to a tee.
“He became what we are so one day we could become what he is.” Praise God. How much love he has for us!!!
Oh I love that Mandy! Thanks for sharing!