Think Simple :)
I admit it – I am a Mac Girl…
But I am not an arrogant Mac girl. 🙂
I am now a bona fide Macbook pro lovin’, iPad swipin’, and iPhone talkin’ junkie!

Why? Because they are simple. One works like the other and they all connect to each other in some kind of magical cloud in the sky. Yes, I know I can’t bust into them and add memory and yes I know I am bound to the “app” store. But I am perfectly happy with that relationship.
A few of my staff members have made the migration to Macs. They were so worried that it would be “hard” to learn a new OS. I just kept telling them…think simple. It is a very different paradigm when our brains have been conditioned to do otherwise.
Can we apply this “think simple” paradigm to our spiritual lives? Why, yes, I think we can!
Once, a tricky lawyer-type asked Jesus to name the most important commandment. I mean talk about complicated…there were the big 10 commandments inscribed on stone tablets, but there were also over 600 other Jewish laws as well. Jesus gave a “think-simple” answer:
37 And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the great and foremost commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22
Now that is an answer with which not even a lawyer could argue.
Jesus made the complex simple – Love God and Love People – the rest will take care of itself. (<- tweet this)
I think we sometimes make Christianity a much more complicated thing than it is. Now don’t get me wrong – the relationship with God through Christ is deep and rich. But reflecting our relationship in and toward our neighbors is not.
A few weeks ago, one my work buddies, Lori, was doing her first presentation with her macbook. She had everything connected correctly, all the settings were correct, but her PowerPoint would not go to the projector. We did everything but lay hands on it & have a prayer meeting over the thing! It was time for her session to start, so I told her I would take it and call Apple Support.
As I was waiting my turn for assistance on the phone, I reminded myself to “think simple”. I simply unplugged the projector port and plugged it back in – wham – PowerPoint is now projecting! Click – Who needs Mac Support, anyway?
So the next time life seems really complicated, just think simple. We can ask ourselves a benchmark question: Are we loving God above all and expressing that love to those around us? If the answer is yes, the decisions we make and the way we treat others will come from a heart that is striving to please Him. Think Simple… 🙂