Upon Further Review…Blogging thru the book, GREATER>

The ability to review questionable calls on the football field is a real game-changer! The game happens so fast and referees can’t be everywhere at all times, so things are not always what they seem. Coaches can now ask for a review of a questionable call.
The crowds cheer a little more voraciously as the players and coaches await the decision of the officials who have a better view of the play. Victories or defeats are at stake UPON FURTHER REVIEW.
Then we hear those famous words “UPON FURTHER REVIEW”. One of two things happen: sometimes the call stands; but sometimes, what the officials saw in the review, is a game changer!
Steven Furtick draws this analogy to the rough bumps in our lives. What seemed like a total failure or an extremely hard circumstance is always under God’s reviewing eye. We can send our mistakes and failures up before God, and UPON FURTHER REVIEW, He will show us how to use those ashes to make something beautiful.
- UPON FURTHER REVIEW, He can restore a relationship.
- UPON FURTHER REVIEW, He can supply all your needs.
- UPON FURTHER REVIEW, He can forgive you and make you whole.
God can take what seemed to be an absolute tragic circumstance and use it for our good and His glory.
This whole concept of UPON FURTHER REVIEW makes me think of Joseph. This is a guy who was sold into slavery by his own brothers, was accused of raping Potiphar’s wife, and spent years in jail for a crime he had not committed. Yet UPON FURTHER REVIEW, God used every bit of that circumstance for the good of thousands of people. Look at the words Joseph spoke to his own brothers:
“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” Genesis 50:20
I also think about my own life…the difficulties of being raised with seven children in a less than ideal single-wide trailer on the banks of the Mississippi River, the stress of watching parents struggling financially to make ends meet, watching some of my siblings fall into drug/alcohol abuse. This is not good stuff. However, UPON FURTHER REVIEW, God has used all it to help me minister to others.
So don’t let your past chain you to a lesser life – remember it is always subject to FURTHER REVIEW from the GREAT I AM! He will do something GREATER with your hard knocks!
I love this, Shelly. Thanks for sharing! “Don’t let your past chain you to a lesser life.” Sometimes we feel so out of control of how our past does chain us, but we have choices to make. And sometimes God even has us look at the past and release us from chains we didn’t realize were there.
That is so true Jamie! The liberty of choices in Christ is the key to our greater life!