Reckless Abandon
Here go the goose bumps again! Our fearless choir director tells us all the time, “There is nothing more powerful than a song taken from scripture!” Let’s continue to look at the powerful meaning behind “The Revelation Song”. Here are the lyrics to the 2nd verse:Clothed in rainbows, of living colorFlashes of lightning, rolls of…
Every day, I receive a “daily verse” on my phone from an app called “DailyBible”. I love it – it is is like a sweet message from God as soon as I awake. This morning, my heart about jumped out of my chest because the verse was so powerful! Take a look at 1 Timothy…
I have just finished a great little book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It is burning a hole in my heart! It examines why Christians for the most part are not living out the biblical mandate in John 15:12, “This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.”…
What do people say when they are in the throes of worship? “Hallelujah” comes to mind. Hallelujah is derived from two Hebrew words: halal and Yahh. Halal literally means praise and Yahh is a shortened version of Jehovah. Put them together and you have praise Jehovah or praise the LORD. Jehovah is translated LORD in…
I can scarcely get this devotion out of my head and onto paper. When I think about which song “moves” me to whole-hearted praise at this time in my life, I would have to say the “Revelation Song” by Kari Jobe. What is it in that song that makes me long to stand to my…
“Half the misery in the world comes from trying to look, instead of trying to be, what one is not.” ~ George MacDonald. Isn’t this quote so true? We call this kind of person a hypocrite, someone who is deliberately trying to make others think they are more spiritual than they really are. Such is…