Chadron: Day 1

Wow – an amazing couple of days of eye-opening experiences here in Chadron, NE and Sharp’s Corner, SD! We began by worshiping with the Grace Baptist Church fellowship, the church we are supporting this week. This is a church plant and has a growing congregation. They do not have their own building yet, but have purchased a great plot of land. They baptized two people Sunday morning in a galvanized steel watering trough! Now that was a sight to see!

Sunday evening we canvassed the neighborhood distributing flyers about VBS and our block parties (thank the Lord for protection from mean dogs!). We hit  3 different trailer parks and met some sweet folks. We had 26 precious faces show up for VBS yesterday morning and are expecting a lot more by the end of the week!

Last night we went to Sharp’s Corner Baptist church which is on the edge of the Sioux Nation Indian Reservation in South Dakota. On the trip over, we passed through a town that was about 3 blocks long called White Clay. We had been warned to be very careful passing through because drunks are literally stumbling out into the road. It was so very sad to see men and women so intoxicated that they were literally passed out on the sidewalks and walking into the street without even looking. What is the line from that old gospel song? “Sin will take you farther than you’ll want to go…”

Once we arrived in Sharp’s Corner, we set up our block party at an intersection where the church was located. We had a cotton candy machine, popocorn, a jump house, and snow cones! Kids and adults came piling in and what a privilege it was to see the smiles that came on their faces. We were literally in the middle of NO WHERE and this was a big treat for these kids. Once the puppets started, the kids came and sat down. They were glued to the puppets. We did about 4 dramas to illustrate our problem with sin, how Jesus came to save us, and finally, how He gave us a robe of righteousness! We have several decisions for Christ, including a mother and her two sons!

These people live in such a different world, but we all have the same sin problem and we all need a Savior! The cotton candy and popcorn were a great treat for them, but the main goal was to pronounce the gospel. Be praying for our VBS each morning here in Chadron and for our traveling block parties. Pray for one lady in particular that I met at VBS. She brought her children, but told me she didn’t believe in “religion”. I am trying to establish a relationship with her so I can have share the gospel with her this week. Below is a picture from Sharp’s Corner Block Party:

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One Comment

  1. Praying for all of you! I know that God is working through you…praying for your opportunity to talk with the lady about Jesus! I know she will get a blessing and so will you! Love you!!

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