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You Have Not Passed this Way Before
The little boat dropped my husband and me off on a rocky beach in Kachemak Bay State Park, Alaska. We had planned this 5-mile adventure hike out to Grewingk glacier months before, but now that we were here, I was most definitely questioning the wisdom of entering known grizzly bear country. Adding to my anxiety…

Paid in Full
She was dancing her heart out at the front of the auditorium at this Christian women’s conference – raising her hands to the sky during worship, shouting amen. Clearly, there was a story behind her infectious worship. Little did I know I would get to hear it a bit later that evening from the stage….

She Told Him the Whole Truth
Have you ever held back in prayer, thinking you might just stun our Lord Jesus with your details or with your inner most thoughts? This past week, I was listening to a lesson on this very familiar story of the woman with the “issue of blood” in Mark 5 and one statement struck a hard…

A Brief Moment of Grace
As I type this post, the Capitol building has been breached by protestors. It is a very disturbing sight to see our very own symbolic building of nationalism billowing with tear gas, pictures of protestors invading the congressional chambers, and national guardsmen escorting protestors off the grounds. How did we get here, America? Was it…

What the Locusts Have Eaten
Dumpster fire, train wreck, unprecedented. These are just a few ways people have described 2020. To help us mentally cope with the stress and strain, we certainly have stepped up our meme-game. Here are some of my favorites. So much in this year has been gnawed away by the virus, racial unrest, and politics. I…

Prepare Your Minds for Action
Discombobulated. That’s a fun word to say. It is a just a multisyllabic way of saying I’m confused about a whole lot right now. Maybe you feel the same. We have schools going virtual left and right because of COVID-19. There are challenges to who the next president will be. Will we ever be able…
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